Friday, February 17, 2012

Another post!

Rachel and i's names in Russian and also info about us for the parents of our students:

A lion art project I did with the kids. Sorry it's upside down!

Some super pointy mens shoes(it's seriously the style here)


  1. I wish I remembered enough Russian to read what they wrote about you! At least I could sound out your names. Very cool :-)

  2. Did you learn Russian in school? Yeah I can kinda sound out some words but I cannot read it. Hopefully I will learn in the next few months:)

  3. Yes, I took a semester of it at BYU, just because it seemed cool. Or maybe 2 semesters? Sad that I can't remember. Anyway, I learned enough to be able to sound things out, which is nice in a different alphabet, but I've lost most of the vocabulary.
