Saturday, January 28, 2012

Pictures of the school!!

The entry room

The kid's coat rack

The opening room and biggest classroom

The rules of the school

The teacher's coatroom

The Bulletin boards

The other side of the biggest classroom

Names of all of our kids

Where some of the prizes and supplies are
More storage
Hard to read but says: Welcome to English class

The first smaller classroom ( Love the wall murals! Lion King is one of my favorite kid movies:))

Another classroom

The last classroom

The water! Super important because we don't drink the tap water

The bathroom (The kids always say "I need tualet") It took me a while to understand them lol..


  1. This is so great mal, I love that the kids are put into teams. Haha, "Teacher Mallory". Miss you mallory, we need to skype soon!

  2. Hahahaha thought you would laugh at that! I miss you soo much skype now!

  3. that rug in the first picture is so pretty! your classrooms look really nice, you're lucky!

  4. Yeah i'm really lucky they are really nice!
